TAG from Cik Natt

Salam to all..
Mama being tagged..from one of BumbleBEE fan....

1. What is the most important thing in your life?
Kids, Hubby and Car. My life would be empty witout kids, lonely without hubby and meaningless without my AER4874. Luv u all so much!

2. What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
Tudung from Baitul Hijab..eh..tu duit hubby..sat2..Yaa...Sembonia Handbag, couple of days before Raya last year..hehehehe..yg lain semua duit hubby...ermm..abang..nak mesin jahit boleh???

3. Where do you wish to get married?
Dah kawin dah....8 years ago....

4. How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
Forever..insya Allah

5. Are you in love?
Always..mcm baru jumpa pertama kali..aduiiiii..sentiasa jatuh chenta!!

6. Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Pizza Hut Delivery..kids nak makan pizza..Mama yg bedal 2 kotak..hahahahah

7. Name the latest book that you bought?
Ladybird series...for kids...

8. What is your full name?
AiDa ZaIrInA iShAk
A-aminah my nenek's name, I-Ishak my ayah's name and D-Dagang..my atok's name.. ZAI-zaiton..my nenek sedara yg kawinkan ayah dgn mak.. and the rest..sebagai ajinomoto untuk menyedapkan nama...heheheh

9. Do you prefer your mother or father?
Both and my in law too

10. Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Alamak...My luvly hubby laa..bila balik m'sia...sentiasa first time maaa...

11. Christina or Britney?

12. Do you do your own laundry?
Of course..not only mine..

13. The most exciting place you want to go?
Riyadh...coz my hubby is overthere..dunno exciting or not...heheheh

14. Hugs or kisses?
Can i have both and a lot?

15. Point out 5 things about the person who tagged you.
1.Miss Nat
2.Name : just NATRAH
3.Suke BumbleBEE..heheheh
4.Interior designer..
5.Minat Saujana...

Cik Natt..betul ke? Amik dari blog awak ni..hehehe

16. 3 things I am passionate about
3.Baby/Kids Things...

17. 3 things I say too often
1.JANGAN!! esp to my kids
2.NO!! to my kids too
3.Kan Mama dah cakap... owh to my kids again...

18. Book I’ve read recently
Ladybird Series : Things Around Us..read with Balqees, Haarith and Aiman.

19. 8 songs I could listen to over and over again
Apa-apa jek yg kuar kat radio IKIM tu...

20. 3 things I learned last year
3.Online Shopping...

21. 8 people to tag
3.Azlin Mohamad
4.Sheffa Marzuki
5.Adikku Ghazali
6.Adikku Faiz
7.Kak Lina Proton
8.Followers and Readers...

Tagged with rENsPoNsiBIliTiES,
iGLoo MaMa
Shah Alam

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